TESTIMONIALS AND PHOTO PROOF OF THE SUCCESS OF GMX FLUID CONDITIONERS ON SUGAR MILL EVAPORATORS. Year: 1998 Location: Mauritius Islands Sugar Mill: Society Union St. Aubin Milling Co., Introduction: Society Union St. Aubin Milling Co., ordered GMX Model 8000s as a trial installation on two of their seven evaporators. This installation was carried out to GMX specifications as a trial to justify GMX Fluid Conditioners are a reliable solution to controlling scale in sugar mill evaporators. The installation was completed and ready at the commencement of the crushing season in mid June. Year 1999 September 27th The Mill Manager sent the following fax message confirming purchase of GMX8000s for 3 more evaporators:
The Manager
R&L Enterprise, Inc.
4624 CR 9So
Alamosa, CO 81101 USA
Your Fax No. 00 1 719 589 8892
Our Ref RR/ ml/99 |
Riviere des Anguilles
FAX NO (230) 6262 586
Dear Sir,
We would like to refer to our order 88/9138/98 of the 7th November 1998 for 6 GMX Model 8000 Magnets for scale protection on our Raw Sugar Cane Juice Evaporators.
We would like to let you know that we have installed the magnets as required ahead of the 4th and 5th effet of the quintuple evaporator set, right from the start of the crushing season in mid-June.
We are extremely pleased with the performance of the magnets since the fifth effet in particular has never been cleaned with tube cleaning rotating brushes since the beginning of the crop.
The 4th effet has only been brushed once. It must be stressed, however, that all vessels are caustic boiled every week end for four hours with NaOH @ 25% concentration, but this was also done previous years before installation of the magnets and tube brushing had to be carried out every two weeks at least.
We would like to extend the magnets protection to our thrid and second effets and we would be much obliged if you could recommend to us the number of magnets to be used on these vessels (Please send a quotation)
For your information, the third vessel is 800 cubic meters and the second vessel consists of two vessels in series each 600 cubic meters with stainless steel tubes.
We would like to thank you for the success of the installation.
Yours faithfully,
Raymond Rivalland
Year 2005 May 19th, the Mill Manager was contacted by an independent party in Asia to obtain the reference of the GMX performance in Mauritius. The following is an e-mail response of the Mill Manager testifying the efficiency of the GMX system as successful even 7 years after installation. From: "Raymond Rivalland" <rrivalland@suds.intnet.mu>
To: "'NDS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd'" <nds@wow.lk>
Subject: RE: Performance of GMX Controlling Scale
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 15:00:15 +0400
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353 Dear Neville,
Following our phone call, I can confirm to you that the GMX magnets were installed on the juice pipes between the various evaporator effects, and that they are still in use in our mill in Union Saint Aubin.
It is not possible for me to give you a technical or engineering proof of their effectiveness since the matter is rather difficult to quantify.
However, I must admit that to my experience, the scales in the evaporators seemed softer after the GMX installations and hand brush cleaning seemed easier! Best regards,
*. 230 6262532
* 230 7283623
6 230 6262840
* rrivalland@suds.intnet.mu
GMX Corporation USA pays tribute to Mr Larry Brown of R & L Enterprise Co., of USA a then distributor for GMX Corporation in Colorado who provided all technical assistance to The Sugar Mill in Mauritius Islands in concluding a repeat sale.
scan of original fax, below:
