Installations: Agriculture

Calaba Grande

Farm in Lynn County near Tahoka, Texas

Farm in Lynn County near Tahoka, Texas. The install was made on PVC pipe of a Center Pivot irrigation system.

Field of irrigated cotton

GMX Magnets placed on collapsible pipes

GMX Magnets placed on PVC pipe

GMX Model 8000

GMX Model 8000s On A 2" Home Irrigation System

GMX Model 8000s on a 6 in pivot irrigation line in Texas

GMX Model 8000s on irrigation line a Colorado Dairy Farm

GMX Model 8000s On Irrigation Lines In Tunisia

GMX Model 8000s on irrigation pipe

GMX Model 8000s On Pivot Irrigation System For Alfalfa Fields

GMX Model 8000s On Pivot Irrigation System In Colorado

GMX Model 8000s On Pivot Irrigation System In Colorado

GMX Model 8000s on pivot irrigation systems in Colorado

GMX Model 8000s on pivot irrigation systems in Colorado

GMX Model 8000s on pivot irrigation systems on potato farms in Colorado.

GMX Model 8000s on pivot irrigation systems on potato farms in Colorado.

GMX units installed on water lines at a poultry farm in Tunisia.

GMX units installed on water lines at a poultry farm in Tunisia.

GMX units installed on water lines at a poultry farm in Tunisia.

GMX units installed on water lines at a poultry farm in Tunisia.

GMX units installed on water lines at a poultry farm in Tunisia.

GMX Units Model 848s on spray rigs. The units help prevent scale from building up on the equipment.